We made this Game in 6 Hours !

We made this game for the ScoreSpace Jam #27.

You're with a cat who's shrunk down to the level of a mice, you think you're ready for the work, but the mice have gathered their troops and are attacking you.

Take ur power in our tail and KILL ALL THE MICE!!!

This game was made by :



Copyright Disclaimer

Author: LLX001, D6rk

This content, including but not limited to every music sound effect, code, or graphics, is the exclusive intellectual property of LLX001, D6rk . All rights are reserved under copyright law. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or modification of this content without explicit written permission from the authors is strictly prohibited.

This copyright claim covers all original works created and published by LLX001, D6rk including but not limited to:

- Music compositions and sound effects

- Software code and programming

- Graphics, images, and visual elements

If you wish to use any of our content for any purpose, please contact us to request permission. We are open to collaboration and licensing opportunities, provided they are in accordance with applicable copyright laws.

Failure to respect our copyright may result in legal action to protect our intellectual property rights.

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Thank you for respecting our creative efforts and intellectual property rights.


LLX001, D6rk


Purrfect Precision Mouse Hunt 29 MB